Remembering The 13 on the 13th


We have their six. 

Our latest fundraiser, Remembering The 13 on the 13th, is a great way to support the Freedom 13 and the Recreational Retreat Villages Project every month.

While we can't change the past, we can let it help shape our future, and do what we can to make sure that those that made the ultimate sacrifice are not forgotten, and those that made it home have a fighting chance to get their lives back.

It's easy to participate, and your generous support will help us reach our goal of a Veteran's Recreational Retreat Village in each of the 50 states a reality. 

Most of us would agree that honoring and remembering all those that served deserve more than just one day. The essence of Memorial Day and Veterans Day represents the very meaning of our Mission: To remember those that made the ultimate sacrifice and honor those that served.

Our latest fundraising campaign, "Remember the 13 on the 13th” is designed to make remembering, honoring and supporting a once a month, year-round opportunity, with 100% of all money donated being used to benefit The Freedom 13 Veterans Recreational retreat Project.

One day, each month. Simple enough.

The Basics

Q: What is the Campaign?
A: The Campaign is a "once a month fundraiser", happening on the 13th of each month, designed to Remember, Honor and Support our American Military Heroes. All proceeds raised directly beneifit The Freedom 13 Recreational Retreat Villages Project.

Q: When does the Campaign Start? How Long does it last?
The Campaign starts November 13th, 2022, and runs each month, every month on the 13th. You can participate for as long as you'd like.

Q: What is it for?
A: To raise money to build veterans recreational retreat villages across the United States.

Q: How much will each Villages cost?
A: We have estimated the Each village will cost approximately $2-$4 million.

Q: How do we participate?
A: The beauty of campaign is that each business can choose how they want to participate. For example:
     - 13% of sales (can put a cap on it such as $1,300);
     - Donate specific % of sales (can cap);
     - Donation match for the day (can cap);
     - virtually any creative way to Remember, Honor and Support our American Heroes.

Q: How is the Campaign advertised/promoted?
A: We promote not only the Campaign, but your participation through our social media platforms. Also, you'll receive a Welcome/Participation Kit.

Q: How/when do we remit our donation?
A: All donations collected on the 13th of the month are due on or before the 5th of the following month. You can submit collected donations and any matching donations via EFT or ACH.

Q: Is our participation tax deductible?
A: All donations to The Freedom 13 are tax deductible to extent allowed by current IRS rules and US Tax Guidelines. Please contact a tax advisor to understand how your donation may be tax deductible.

Join The Mission

The Remembering The13 on the 13th Fundraising Campaign is unique in that it's simple and easy for businesses of types and sizes to participate.

In honor of the Freedom 13, the fundraising campaign is a way to remember the 13 each month on the 13th. And it's easy to participate. Simply fill out the form below, and we'll follow up to get you set up and your Welcome Kit out to you.

Whether you pledge a specific dollar amount, percentage of sales or put a donation jar at checkout, every little bit helps.

We'll be implementing additional fundraising and donation options in the near future. Please sign up for our newsletter for progress updates and announcements on upcoming events, new products and more.

Thank you for your generous support. 

Upcoming Donation Options

Matching Gifts

Planned Giving & Grants

In Memorium Gifting


If you have questions or would like to discuss a donation option or opportunity, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

  • (636) 262 - 9712 Main Office


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08:00 – 19:00


Demonstration drives only


08:00 – 19:00


08:00 – 19:00


08:00 – 19:00


08:00 – 19:00


If you have questions or would like to discuss a donation option or opportunity, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

  • (636) 262 - 9712 Main Office